Ode to: La Dama De Cao
(The Lady of Cao))Peru))
The sun no longer strikes downstairs on me
How close-hauled I was to life, how tough beingness was
How mendacious ones happiness can be.
Lonely at times:
Not in the soul
But in the sky of the mind!
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My integral horizon ringed
With the antemeridian birds;
I had a accumulation of material possession and populace.
I have been a Queen, subordinate the small town of Cao
That was my esteem you see
Yet I did not dwell long-, xxv years is all.
Queen-chief they called me-,
My natural object tattooed to establish such;
Bound in ceremonial wrappings...
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Like a chrysalis (a body)
I was found in such attire.
Sorry to say, but I will:
I died from childbirth-
Buried in Trujillo-a a thousand geezerhood ago!.
When I died..., after awake
It was like daybreak-I seemed to have
Had a sad intuition upon achievement.
Now harshly, all the sounds and voices
Of one minute to the next
Is simply transient.
Yet, up here I will ne'er be again:
Still I hear my child\\'s voice
From time to incident..!
Note: No: 1596 (1-4-2007): a best recent uncovering in Peru (that is, perchance smaller quantity than a yr old) is the Mummified organic structure of \\"La Dama de Cao, (The Lady of Cao)\\"; whom was truly more than than a lady, but a queen. As I have said often, and will again, Peru is the land of discover, possibly the second of the principal Ancient lands to have been merely half discovered. It is the Egypt of South America you could say. I was in Trujillo, several 3 geezerhood ago, a northern bone canton of Peru, where on earth they have humorous looking boats titled Canotaje´s. I don\\'t know of any different environment that bares so overmuch fruit in Ancient discovers today, new than Peru.